Pride Business Forum becomes a foundation to support LGBT+ people in and outside of workplace
The organization Pride Business Forum has announced the establishment of its foundation and the expansion of its activities to include a new pillar. In addition to promoting equal conditions for LGBT+ employees, the Forum will now also focus on the emancipation of LGBT+ people and the improvement of quality of their life outside of workplace.

Pride Business Forum expands its activities
On May 17, 2023, Pride Business Forum announced its transformation into a Charitable Fund and the expansion of its activities. It remains a business partner while also focusing on additional endeavors. In addition to educating corporate members and providing a platform for knowledge sharing, the forum will now also address topics related to the lives of LGBT+ individuals outside the workplace. These aspects have a significant impact on overall job performance.
Major Czech employers were present
The announcement of new activities and the establishment of the Pride Business Forum Foundation took place during the Executive Cocktail event at the Residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Prague on the symbolic date of May 17, when people all around the world commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The event was organized in collaboration with Pride Business Forum, hosted by U.S. Ambassador Bijan Sabet, and attended by over 180 guests, including representatives of companies whose corporate culture significantly influences the lives of hundreds of thousands of employees in the Czech Republic. This is why their focus on equality and respect is so important. According to the recent study “Being LGBT+ in the Czech Republic,” society’s attitude towards different orientations and identities is still relatively problematic, and prejudices continue to prevail. For example, up to 78% of respondents encountered the opinion that gay and lesbian people should not publicly display their sexual orientation in the past months. This number has alarmingly increased by 11% compared to a study conducted in 2018.
Homophobia in society should not be underestimated
This situation leads to the stigmatization and pressure to exclude LGBT+ people from public spaces, making it difficult for them to live openly and authentically. The year 2022 clearly showed us that we should not underestimate the level of homophobia in society – last year, homophobia led to the murder of two young people in a country very close to us. “During a homophobic terrorist attack on October 12, 2022, two innocent people lost their lives in Bratislava. At that time, 23,000 people called on our politicians to better protect LGBT+ people. Unfortunately, apart from words, we have not seen any specific actions from them. That’s why I am extremely pleased that the role of the state is partially taken over by the business sector, which will contribute to improving the quality of life for LGBT+ people through Pride Business Forum Foundation. Since work and private life are closely intertwined, it seems essential to me and the entire Pride Business Forum that, in addition to collaborating with employers, we also contribute to changing the atmosphere in society as a whole through our foundation’s activities,” says Czeslaw Walek, Chairman of the Board of the Pride Business Forum Foundation.
Pride Business Forum Foundation gains its first Charity partner
Pride Business Forum continues to expand with new members. During the mentioned event, several representatives of Czech employers signed a Memorandum, becoming new members and publicly committing to promote equality in their workplaces. The Forum now has 63 members, with Economia, Siemens, IKEA and Kontent joining as new members. MONETA Money Bank, which is one of the Premium members of Pride Business Forum, has become the Charity partner of this organization. “MONETA strives to contribute to the creation and strengthening of social values that protect disadvantaged individuals and communities. We seek to apply this approach where we see tangible risks for those who, due to prejudice, do not have equal standing in our society. Within our capabilities, our goal is to prevent inequalities, injustices, and discrimination, thereby contributing to the formation of understanding and tolerance,” said Tomáš Spurný, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MONETA Money Bank.
The first charitable contributions will be redistributed by the Pride Business Forum Foundation this year
Since the expansion of Pride Business Forum’s scope, its members and donors expect an even greater degree of equality and acceptance, which are values that attract customers and talents, thereby supporting economic growth. Pride Business Forum will support the empowerment and emancipation of LGBT+ people through its own activities as well as through financial support to other organizations, groups, or individuals, particularly in regions outside of Prague. The first charitable contributions will be redistributed in the second half of 2023. Pride Business Forum Foundation plans to redistribute up to 200,000 CZK this year.