LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer Award 2025
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer Award is a prestigious award that serves as recognition and motivation for employers in the Czech Republic who actively contribute to creating an inclusive work environment for LGBTQ+ employees. We carefully evaluate the strategic approach of companies to this issue and assess specific projects and tools focused on supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace.
The award also includes an assessment of how the top management of the company actively supports the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. It is monitored whether effective strategies are implemented, whether specific steps are taken to achieve an inclusive work environment and whether this effort is communicated both internally and externally.
This award not only rewards and motivates companies that have successfully implemented measures to support LGBTQ+ employees but also serves as a model for other organizations that want to actively contribute to equality and inclusion in the workplace. We believe that an environment that respects and supports diversity not only creates better working conditions for individuals but also contributes to overall success and innovation in business.

Pride Business Forum Hero Award 2025
Pride Business Forum Hero Award acknowledges individuals and highlights the role of members of the top management of organizations/companies, members of employee resource groups, or employees in HR who actively advocate for equal conditions for LGBTQ+ employees in their organizations/companies, or work towards improving the status of LGBTQ+ people in society, all beyond their professional agenda.
This award represents special recognition for those individuals who excel in promoting equal opportunities for LGBTQ+ employees. It is focused on these heroes who dedicate their energy and commitment to creating an inclusive work environment for LGBTQ+ colleagues in their organizations, going above and beyond their professional duties.
The Pride Business Forum Hero award aims to emphasize the key role of these individuals in supporting equality and diversity in the workplace. This may include not only the implementation of specific measures and projects but also active leadership in dialogue and awareness for the rights of LGBTQ+ people, both within the organization and in society.

V českém pracovním prostředí svou identitu vždy nebo téměř vždy skrývá až 50 % LGBTQ+ lidí, mají totiž strach z nevhodných poznámek nebo nepřijetí ze strany kolegů a kolegyň. Pride Business Forum se proto již 14 let zasazuje o vytváření pracovního prostředí, ve kterém se LGBTQ+ lidé nemusí bát být sami sebou, cítí se v něm respektování, vítáni a podporováni. Zmíněná platforma každoročně uděluje ocenění lidem i firmám, které se na pracovišti nejvíce zasazují o rovné podmínky pro LGBTQ+ zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně.
Více se dočtete v tiskové zprávě zde.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2024 awards
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer award is a prestigious award that serves as recognition and motivation for employers in the Czech Republic who actively contribute to creating an inclusive work environment for LGBTQ+ employees. We carefully evaluate the strategic approach of companies to this issue and assess specific projects and tools focused on supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace.
The award also includes an assessment of how the top management of the company actively supports the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. It is monitored whether effective strategies are implemented, whether specific steps are taken to achieve an inclusive work environment and whether this effort is communicated both internally and externally.
This award not only rewards and motivates companies that have successfully implemented measures to support LGBTQ+ employees but also serves as a model for other organizations that want to actively contribute to equality and inclusion in the workplace. We believe that an environment that respects and supports diversity not only creates better working conditions for individuals but also contributes to overall success and innovation in business.

GOLD: Vodafone Czech Republic
With 90 points, Vodafone continues to excel, reaching the maximum score in nearly all categories, and sets the standard for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion in Czech and international markets. This year, the jury especially honors Vodafone for its proactive efforts to improve LGBTQ+ lives in our country, mainly by initiating an open letter to the Prime Minister advocating for marriage equality.

SILVER: MSD Czech Republic
With 86.5 points, MSD has shown outstanding performance across all scoring areas. The jury commends MSD for its strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, noting its compulsory training on microaggressions and the inclusion of gender identity topics in mandatory training sessions for all employees. MSD is also praised for its effective internal and external communication on LGBTQ+ issues and the high activity of the company’s LGBTIQ Employee Resource Group.

SILVER: Johnson & Johnson
With 86,5 points, Johnson & Johnson performs brilliantly in all ranking categories, earning top points in several areas. The jury praises its strong commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity, highlighted by comprehensive policies and progressive benefits for trans employees. Johnson & Johnson also actively supports employee-driven initiatives, leading to significant growth in its LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group, reflecting the company’s empowering and inclusive culture.

SILVER: Accenture
With 83 points, Accenture not only reached maximum points in several categories but also serves as an example for many companies in a few areas. The jury would like to highlight exceptional care for trans employees, shown by the comprehensive Gender Transition Guidelines. The company ensures that all employees, including newcomers, are informed about its core values, which include a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination, harassment, and bullying. The jury also praises Accenture’s LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group and its activity.

With 82 points, SAP’s consistent participation in the Awards highlights its commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. The company stands out for its Employee Resource Group, showing strong internal support for LGBTQ+ employees. SAP is also praised for its effective training system and setting and monitoring goals, scoring maximum points for using comprehensive impact measurement tools.

SILVER: Novartis
With 80 points, Novartis exemplifies what proactive and comprehensive workplace inclusion looks like. The jury was impressed by Novartis’s campaign ‘One Family’ public campaign promoting marriage equality as well as the ‘Guide on Trans Identity at Novartis’ which supports trans employees with targeted information for different stakeholders: managers, HR staff, all employees, and those undergoing transition.

BRONZE: Deloitte
With 77,5 points, Deloitte particularly excels in impact monitoring, a critical area where their efforts surpass other Bronze level recipients. Deloitte’s commitment to inclusivity is further exemplified through its outstanding support for transgender employees and their comprehensive training programs. Using large screens in the office for internal communications has effectively enhanced employee engagement and awareness of diversity initiatives.

With 76.5 points, ČSOB impressed the jury with its strong commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion, highlighted by several notable initiatives. These include prohibiting discrimination within the collective agreement and offering high-quality internal training on LGBTQ+ topics. The active PROUD employee resource group is also praised for promoting LGBTQ+ awareness and advocacy within the company.

BRONZE: Clifford Chance
With 72,5 points, Clifford Chance excelled in different ranking categories. Clifford Chance has been recognized for its comprehensive policies protecting employees from discrimination and harassment, showing a proactive approach to safeguarding workplace rights. The firm’s high-quality training on LGBTQ+ topics is also exemplary, helping staff create an inclusive environment.

BRONZE: Honeywell
With 70,5 points, Honeywell is praised for its frequent and high-quality internal communications on LGBTQ+ topics. It also offers top-notch training on LGBTQ+ topics, empowering its workforce to create an inclusive environment. The jury has also noted Honeywell’s efforts to spread inclusivity beyond the capital, organizing events at its branches in Brno and Olomouc.

With 70 points, Moneta Money Bank shows proactive efforts in promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion both internally and externally. The jury praises the active role of Moneta Money Bank’s leadership in advocating for LGBTQ+ workplace equality as well as the bank’s external communication, which extends beyond internal policies to support LGBTQ+ inclusion in the broader community.

With 70 points, WPP shows its dedication to LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion through strategic impact monitoring. The jury was impressed by WPP’s efforts to evaluate LGBTQ+ inclusion for continuous improvement. Additionally, WPP’s leadership actively engages in diversity, equity, and inclusion activities, highlighting their commitment to fostering an inclusive culture.

Big Step Forward: Škoda Auto
In the annual LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking, Škoda Auto has achieved a remarkable leap, improving its score by an impressive 16.2 points from its previous application, bringing its current rating to 56.5 points. This advancement, up from 40.3, is a testament to the company’s dedicated efforts and strategic focus on creating a genuinely inclusive work environment.
Škoda Auto’s commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion is reflected in several key initiatives:
- Škoda Proud: This LGBTQ+ employee resource group has been particularly effective, receiving robust support from the company. It plays a crucial role in fostering a supportive community and driving internal change.
- Comprehensive Training Programs: The company has implemented a high-quality system of training sessions focused on LGBTQ+ issues, ensuring that all employees understand and appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion.
- Inclusive HR Practices: Škoda Auto has developed detailed and high-quality HR materials that respect and promote relational and gender diversity, setting a benchmark for the industry.
In a sector where the focus on diversity and inclusion is not commonly embraced, Škoda Auto has not only adopted such policies but has excelled in implementing them effectively. The company’s proactive approach and visible improvements in this area are commendable and serve as a leading example for others in the industry.

Employee Driven Initiatives: ČSOB
Since its establishment in 2019, PROUD, ČSOB employee resource group, has not only flourished within ČSOB, but has also set a benchmark for other ERGs within the KBC group. Over the past five years, PROUD has exemplified how employee-driven initiatives can spearhead significant cultural shifts within a corporate environment. The jury was particularly impressed by PROUD’s proactive and dynamic approach to transforming the corporate culture at ČSOB and across the KBC group. This group’s activities and strategies demonstrate a deep commitment to fostering an environment where every employee feels valued and included. A standout aspect of PROUD’s work has been its focus on including allies in its initiatives. By engaging a broader community within the company, PROUD has enhanced the understanding and acceptance of diversity, extending its impact beyond the immediate LGBTQ+ community to influence the company’s overall culture positively.
Pride Business Forum Hero 2024 awards
The Pride Business Forum Hero award acknowledges individuals and highlights the role of members of the top management of organizations/companies, members of employee resource groups, or employees in HR who actively advocate for equal conditions for LGBTQ+ employees in their organizations/companies, or work towards improving the status of LGBTQ+ people in society, all beyond their professional agenda.
This award represents special recognition for those individuals who excel in promoting equal opportunities for LGBTQ+ employees. It is focused on these heroes who dedicate their energy and commitment to creating an inclusive work environment for LGBTQ+ colleagues in their organizations, going above and beyond their professional duties.
The Pride Business Forum Hero award aims to emphasize the key role of these individuals in supporting equality and diversity in the workplace. This may include not only the implementation of specific measures and projects but also active leadership in dialogue and awareness for the rights of LGBTQ+ people, both within the organization and in society.

Hana Součková, Country Manager, SAP Czech Republic
Hana has consistently championed diversity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees at SAP Czech Republic with tremendous enthusiasm. The year 2023 was particularly notable as she showcased Pride@SAP and DEI initiatives at SAP’s largest customer event in the country. Additionally, Hana was instrumental in confirming gender-neutral toilets at the Prague office and actively supported marriage equality by signing an open letter to the Prime Minister.

Beata Borer, Executive Director, GBS Prague Site Lead, MSD Czech Republic
Beata is a passionate advocate and leader for diversity, equity, and inclusion at MSD. As an executive sponsor of MSD’s employee resource group, Beata actively promotes and supports participation in workshops, events, and various initiatives. Her engagement during Town Halls and conferences, as well as her interaction with the Country Council, underscores her dedication to understanding and addressing the needs of all employees. Beata’s efforts exemplify her commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.

Bohumil Říha, Managing Director, Johnson & Johnson
Bohumil is a dedicated ally and a passionate advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees at Johnson & Johnson. He has been the executive sponsor for the ERG at Johnson & Johnson for two years now. His commitment has significantly increased the budget and sponsorships for LGBTQ+ initiatives. As a top executive, he actively supports inclusivity through the ‘Open & Out’ initiative, promoting equal opportunities and prioritizing the personal and professional growth of all employees.

Martina Zimmermann, Expert Coordinator for Diversity, Škoda Auto
Martina is a remarkable leader at Škoda Auto, dedicated to advancing LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace. She fosters a safe and inclusive environment for all staff, recognizing their individual needs and challenges. Thanks to her work Škoda Auto facilitated tangible progress in the area of LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. Martina is a true champion of equality at Škoda Proud.

Barbora Vachová, former ČSOB Diversity Lead
Barbora is an exceptional visionary thanks to whom ČSOB is a leader in LGBTQ+ workplaces inclusion in the financial sector. After coming back from maternity leave, Barbora took a position of Diversity Lead at ČSOB and worked tirelessly to spreadhead diversity, equity and inclusion on all levels of the organization. During her tenure, the local ERG was established and today serves as an example for many other ERGs in the group, repeatedly winning the Employee Driven Initiatives award. She introduced equal benefits for LGBTQ+ employees in the ČSOB and brought attention and support for LGBTQ+ inclusion from the leadership of the company.

Barbora Šikolová, Operations Manager, Amazon
As the GLAMAZON President, Barbora spearheaded impactful LGBTQ+ initiatives, co-created Amazon’s transgender policy, and invited NGOs to engage with local management. Barbora’s leadership in organizing last year’s LGBTQ+ meetings, including “Jsme Fer,” showcases her dedication to diversity and inclusion, making her a true trailblazer at Amazon Czech.

Garrett Dibon–Smith, Associate Director Talent Enablement, Novartis Czech Republic
Garrett is a pioneer of Pride Czechia ERG Chapter, he is the one who took the hardest part of ERG – its creation. Garrett is unique person, who is driving LGBTQ+ agenda from his heart, he doesn’t do it for a sake of visibility, is passionate about it and is an advocate for LGBTQ+ people. He is also part of the Global LGBTQ+ leadership at Novartis and his bold objective is the creation of inclusive, safe workspace.

Stanislav Švec, Communication, University Relations, Manufacturing Support, Honeywell
Stanislav Švec is the founding member of Honeywell CEE LGBTQ+ ERG and the driving force of its activities in the Olomouc chapter. He translated the Honeywell Trans Inclusion toolkit into Czech. He also works hard to support local activists. In the past, he connected Honeywell with a local LGBTQ+ non-profit in Olomouc – Ollove, inviting the activists and young graduates to talk about their expectations from employers as LGBTQ+ people.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2023 awards
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer awards, motivates and raises the profile of employers who are implementing measures aimed at the better inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees in the Czech Republic. Strategic approaches, specific projects, and ways of implementation are evaluated, as well as how the issue is supported by top management and communicated both internally and externally.

Gold: Vodafone Czech Republic
With 92,7% Vodafone Czech Republic placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the Gold position. Vodafone maintained its leadership in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking also in 2023 and kept leading in almost all areas. The Jury would like to highlight Vodafone’s care for trans and non-binary employees, which can serve as an example of good practice for other companies.

Gold: MSD Czech Republic
With 90,2% MSD Czech Republic placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the Gold position. The company scored very high across all ranking categories. MSD Czech Republic can serve as an example of the best practice for others in recruitment and retention, especially in training employees in LGBTQ+ sensitivity.

Silver: SAP Group
With 89%, SAP Group placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the silver position. SAP Group scores very high across all ranking categories. The Jury especially highlights SAP Group’s excellence in the category of regulation and equal benefits, in care for trans and non-binary employees, and in the category of recruitment and retention, where it scored the highest points among all ranked companies.

Silver: Accenture
With 89,2%, Accenture placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the silver position. Accenture scores very high across all ranking categories. The Jury especially highlights Accenture’s achievements in the category of monitoring and evaluation as well as in the area of recruitment and retention and the support for employee-driven initiatives.

Bronze: ČSOB
With 77,6%, ČSOB placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the bronze position. The company scored high across ranking categories. The Jury especially highlights excellence in regulations and equal benefits for LGBTQ+ employees and the role of leadership in pursuing LGBTQ+ equality at ČSOB workplace.

Bronze: Novartis
With 75,2%, Novartis placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the bronze position. The company scored high across ranking categories. The Jury especially highlights excellence in regulations, equal benefits for LGBTQ+ employees, and support for employee-driven initiatives.

Bronze: Sentinel One
With 70,9%, SentinelOne placed in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the bronze position. The company scored high across ranking categories. The Jury especially highlights SentinelOne’s care for trans and non-binary employees, which is among the best in the Czech market.

Big Step Forward: ČEZ
Among the companies that we have repeatedly evaluated in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking, ČEZ made the biggest leap forward compared to last year. The company jumped by 16,3% up and received 35,6% this year (compare to 19,3% last year). Significant progress can be seen especially in the area of internal rules and equal benefits, which the company has adopted in collective bargaining agreement. Furthermore, visible support of top management as well as implementation of external activities to support LGBTQ+ people, are other areas where the company stepped it up. For example, ČEZ has created a D&I microsite that includes the LGBTQ+ target group, ČEZ created a Glossary of LGBTQ+ terms, they share stories of ambassadors, work with S barvou ven counceling center and became a supporter and partner of the LGBTQ+ Community Center. ČEZ is another company to make such significant progress in the field of LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.

Employee Driven Initiatives: Novartis
Novartis receives the award in this category for the first time. Although their LGBTQ+ employee resource group Pride @ Novartis was established already in 2020, Novartis managed to attract amazing 156 new members last year. The jury especially appreciated the long-term work of the group inside the company in the area of confidential support for employees during their coming out at the workplace or reporting of homophobic, transphobic or biphobic bullying. The Jury especially applauded the group for managing LGBTQ+ Reverse Mentoring Program for Executive Leaders. Jury was amazed by plethora of activities that Pride @ Novartis realized in 2022 from screening of Zakon lasky documentary, through rainbow flag raising in the offices to becoming a partner to Fun&Run charity run.
Pride Business Forum Heroes 2023 Awards
Pride Business Forum Heroes recognizes individuals and highlights the role of top management of organizations/companies that actively promote a level playing field for LGBTQ+ employees in their organizations/companies, or proactively advocate for improving the position of LGBTQ+ people in society.

Ladislav Kučera, Human Resources Director SAP Czech Republic and Slovakia
Ladislav is a Prime Ally of the SAP’s LGBTQ+ community, he is a key spokesperson and amplifier to the D&I-related issues and a great support for the Pride@SAP Czech Republic. In his HR Director role Ladislav among other drives high employee engagement and creates a consistent work and cultural environment for employees to thrive with a strong focus on D&I.

David Lhota, Country Manager, WPP
David is an important ally and a rare example of how a CEO can change company culture with his active approach. He enthusiastically tackled the topic and brought WPP to the Pride Business Forum as a Premium Member. With his active support, an WPP employee resource group was created. The company actively approaches explaining the importance of the topic both internally and externally.

Martin Zelenka, Data Governance Expert ČSOB; Leader of ERG Proud
Martin has led the Proud Employee resource group, which unites LGBTQ+ employees at ČSOB. During his time, ČSOB received awards in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer competition for Employee Resource Group of the Year, Big Step Forward, and in 2021, ČSOB became a bronze employer. Martin serves as an invaluable role model for all Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders, as he exemplifies the extraordinary accomplishments that can be attained from within the ranks of an organization.

Jan Kotík, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ŠKODA AUTO a.s.
Jan has courageously and energetically embarked on addressing LGBTQ+ inclusion at ŠKODA AUTO. Thanks to his efforts ŠKODA AUTO joined the Pride Business Forum in 2021 He was pivotal in establishing and activating the internal employee resource group ŠKODA Proud. In 2022, thanks to Jan’s unwavering commitment, the training of all HR generalists within the company was successfully conducted. Jan serves as an essential role model, which holds particular significance within the manufacturing industry.

Jana Vychroňová, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Vodafone
Jana has been active in the area of Diversity & Inclusion since 2014. Primarily thanks to her enormous and unrelenting commitment, Vodafone Czech Republic has become an inspiration in the area of LGBTQ+ for other companies. Thanks to a broad range of internal and external activities, Vodafone is a proud holder of many awards. Last but not least, Jana is a role model for other straight allies.

Kateřina Nosek, Country Communication and Patient Engagement Head, Novartis Czech Republic
Kateřina is the proud sponsor of One Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ERG (OneDEI) in the Czech Republic and provides counsel, support, and guidance to the ERG Leads and Members, including Pride Czechia. Also thanks to her support and counsel the Proud @ Novartis excelled and received the Employee driven initiative award!
Pride Business Forum Fund
Chairman Award

Roman Samotný
Pride Business Forum Fund Chairman Award goes to Roman Samotný, the spokesperson of the Ide nám o život organization and owner of the Tepláreň club in Bratislava, where a homophobic terrorist attack took place on October 12, 2022. This award recognizes his determination and commitment to advocating for a safer Slovakia for LGBTQ+ people following the mentioned attack, which claimed the lives of two innocent individuals, Juraj and Matúš.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2022 awards
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer awards, motivates and raises the profile of employers who are implementing measures aimed at the better inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees in the Czech Republic. Strategic approaches, specific projects, and ways of implementation are evaluated, as well as how the issue is supported by top management and communicated both internally and externally.

Gold: Vodafone Česká republika
Vodafone maintained its leadership in LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking and keeps leading in almost all areas, especially in area of internal rules, procedures and benefits; in area of LGBTQ+ employee resource groups and in area of the role of management. Among other things, Vodafone thinks about employees who are in the process of transitioning – they do cover the situation of trans people in the workplace during and after the transition.
Vodafone thinks about gender-sensitive expressions and language in their internal communication, so that every employee feels included and authentic.
Generally speaking the key aspects of Vodafone’s success is its genuine care about their LGBTQ+ employees and clients. With a rating of 92.7%, Vodafone was the only employer in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking in the GOLD category.

Silver: Microsoft s.r.o
Microsoft has performed very well, especially in the areas of regulations and benefits, and recruitment and work with employees. LGBTQ+ employees, including gender-diverse ones, have comparable benefits at Microsoft as everyone else. Microsoft is openly aware of its diversity and equal opportunities at the time of recruitment, regardless of gender identity or the expression of those interested in working at Microsoft.

Silver: MSD Czech Republic
MSD Czech Republic excelled in the area of recruitment and work with employees, where it ranked first with a 100% result and thus overtook Vodafone, for example. At the same time, we appreciate that at MSD, employees undergo mandatory micro-aggression training for LGBTQ+ people and learn to detect, prevent or report micro-aggression.

Silver: Accenture
Accenture scored especially in the area of impact monitoring and other activities, where it ranked first. Accenture offers LGBTQ+ employees a wide range of support options, many for a long time, such as gender-neutral toilets. Accenture also actively supports LGBTQ+ visibility – in addition to the ability to wear rainbow strings for employee cards or badges or badges, these are also activities on Instagram and LinkedIn and changes to the Accenture logo on the company’s buildings during the rainbow during August 2021.

Bronze: SAP Group
SAP Goup scored mainly in the category of recruitment and work with employees. SAP Goup is active and can be seen in recruitment focused directly on LGBTQ+ talents. He has an official instagram account called: lifeatsap, where recruitment advertisements are published, as well as Diversity and Inclusion topics, and every year he also organizes open days for talent acquisition in the local office represented by Pride @ SAP. In 2021, SAP CZ together with SAP Germany were part of the virtual LGBTQ+ Career Fair.

Bronze: IBM Česká republika
IBM bodovala zejména v kategorii “Role vedení”, kde skončila druhá hned za Vodafonem. Příkladem dobré praxe, jež je hodný následování je reverzní mentoring pro management, který v IBM zajišťují, aby se ujistili, že budou rozumět LGBTQ+ zaměstanecům*kyním, a dále se vrcholový management také mimo jiné účastní různých aktivit zaměřených na LGBTQ+ tematiku.

Bronze: Československá obchodní banka
ČSOB bodovala zejména v kategorii vnitřních zaměstnaneckých skupin. V této oblasti je ČSOB velice aktivní a mimo jiné je jedním z jejích cílů i začít s měřením spokojenosti LGBTQ+ zaměstnanců a zaměstnankyň nebo uspořádat akci s celospolečenských dopadem (charitativní sbírku). I výhled do budoucna je velmi zajímavý, např. ČSOB skupina PROUD se stane v roce 2022 centrem pro celou skupinu KBC a bude z Čech podporovat kolegy*ně v Maďarsku, na Slovensku, v Bulharsku, i v Belgii.

Employee Driven Initiatives: Vodafone ČR
Vodafone receives the award in this category for the first time. Their LGBTQ+ employee resource group was established in 2015. Vodafone received 95% and placed first in this subcategory. The jury especially appreciated the long-term work of the group inside the company in the area of confidential support for employees during their coming out at the workplace. Despite all the obstacles that arose during the COVID 19 pandemic, the group fulfilled its ambitious goals and implemented many activities, for example during Pride week. The group has also been heavily involved in the #zaruce initiative, highlighting the unacceptability of homophobia and violence in public space.

Big Step Forward: Česká pošta
Among the companies that we have repeatedly evaluated in the LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer ranking, Česká pošta made the biggest leap forward compared to last year. The company jumped 42% up. Significant progress can be seen especially in the area of internal rules and equal benefits, which the company has adopted. Furthermore, visible support of top management as well as implementation of external activities to support LGBTQ+ people, are other areas where the company stepped it up. For example, the rainbow packages that the Czech Post produced during the Prague Pride 2021 festival. The Czech Post is the first state-owned company to make such significant progress in the field of LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.
Pride Business Forum Heroes 2022 Awards
Pride Business Forum Heroes recognizes individuals and highlights the role of top management of organizations/companies that actively promote a level playing field for LGBTQ+ employees in their organizations/companies, or proactively advocate for improving the position of LGBTQ+ people in society.

Frederic Guichard, General Manager Central & Eastern Europe, Danone
Mr. Guichard makes ongoing efforts to promote inclusive diversity policy throughout the CEE region from his position as top manager. We would like to particularly highlight his tenacity, when very negative feedback in the conservative Poland had not discouraged him to be a leader of Diversity and Inclusion in Danone for the whole region. It sends a message within the company that this is an important topic, but also sets an example to other business partners. For example, thanks to his effort, DANONE has equal benefits for rainbow families throughout the whole CEE region.

Mr. Thomas Johansson, Executive Director, Clinical Operations, Regional Head EU, MSD Czech Republic
Mr. Johansson has been a very supportive executive sponsor to MSD Czech Republic LGBTQ+ employee resource group, and has directly helped to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues in the whole CEE region. He has spoken to address the specific challenges LGBTQ+ colleagues face in countries such as Poland or Hungary. He is a great role model for LGBT+ employees in the company, being openly gay himself. In this sense his argumentation and explanation on the impact of bigoted actions and policies by the governments on lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, is authentic and very powerful. His sponsorship has led to the expansion of Czech ERG to Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.

Stela Koleva, VP of EMEA Service and Support & Country Director, SAP Czech
Ms. Koleva has been a big supporter of the LGBTQ+ community since her early carrier at SAP, being at the forefront and standing up for equality. Now as a Country Director, she is one of the sponsors of internal programs and initiatives. She is a steering force for everything that is going on at SAP LGBTQ+ employee resource groups called Pride@SAP. Ms. Koleva is also been a key player in advocating for a more open and inclusive workplace at SAP.port.

Jaromír Staroba, Prague Capability Centre Director, Anheuser-Busch InBev
Mr. Staroba has been an amazing sponsor to promote LGBTQ+ equality, supporting the creation of LGBTQ+ employee resource group in ABinBev and several initiatives such as Joining Pride Business Forum in a partnership, bringing a transgender speaker to corporate offices or planning a Drag Queen performance in the office. He supports companies participation in external events such as Prague Pride or Fun & Run. He also sponsors a support of the company to marriage equality.
He sets an example to other businesses in food and beverage industry to be more inclusive.

Petr Dvořák, CEO, Vodafone ČR
We all remember horrible attack on gay couple that we witnessed last year in Prague, only because they were holding hands. People in Vodafone Czech Republic were very affected by this news, and came up with the idea of #ZaRuce challenge – taking photos while holding hands and posting them on social media with a supportive message. Not only Petr Dvořák immediately accepted the challenge, he was the first one who posed in the photo, holding hands with his colleague. Thanks to his active support and leadership, the challenge was quickly picked up by others – more than 15 other businesses joined the challenge as well as many individuals – maybe you remember on the occasion of last year’s award ceremony we took a photo as well – this sent a clear signal from business community that violence, bigotry and homophobia has no place on our streets.
Pride Business Forum Lifetime Achievement Award

Martina Navrátilová
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2018
The inaugural “LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer” award was announced at the annual Pride Business Forum conference together with the bePROUD awards. Employers of all sizes and sectors, public and state administration, and non-profit organizations could apply for the award.
The LGBTQ+-Friendly Employer award aims to recognise, motivate, and highlight employers’ efforts to implement measures aimed at the better inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees in the Czech Republic. The strategic approach, specific projects, and tools supporting the inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees are evaluated. The award also takes into account how this topic is supported by leading company management and how the company communicates it internally to employees and externally to the public.
Twelve companies were considered for the award. In addition to awarded companies, the jury was also impressed by the Office of the Public Defender of Rights as the only public administration institution to openly subscribe to the principles of equal workplace access to LGBTQ+ persons.

The main LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2018 Champion prize is awarded to the company that has made most progress in promoting an inclusive approach to LGBTQ+ people in the workplace, and which serves as an inspiration and role model for other companies.
The jury praised Vodafone’s sophisticated strategy and approach to LGBTQ+ occupational equality – which is supported by the parent company and adapted to local needs through the hands-on involvement of management and employees.
Vodafone can serve as an example to other companies in terms of employee benefits by giving not only LGBTQ+ couples equal benefits (e.g. same entitlement to time off as married couples for weddings, medical emergencies, and funerals) but also rainbow families (10 days off for same-sex couples following a birth or adoption).
The company actively communicates LGBTQ+ inclusion among employees, by – for example – organizing an employee monetary collection for the counselling centre (the amount raised is then multiplied by the Vodafone Foundation). One hundred employees, including management, took part in the Prague Pride march last year. The company also communicates the issue with some meeting rooms decked out in LGBTQ+ colours, and Vodafone also considers transgender people and has introduced gender-neutral toilets.
“Openness and zero-tolerance towards any form of discrimination have always been an integral part of Vodafone’s corporate culture. The LGBTQ+ issue was included in the Diversity Strategy in 2015 alongside Vodafone’s equal benefits policy, which enshrines LGBTQ+ couples’ equal right to time off as married couples in areas where legislation has left the LGBTQ+ community out in the cold. Same-sex couples at Vodafone are also of course entitled to ten days off following a birth or adoption. “Vodafone’s employee collection also annually supports the online consultancy, and we regularly communicate LGBTQ+ topics through insightful presentations. Employees appreciate the active involvement of top management as well as specific activities such as Vodafone’s involvement in the Stejná rodina and Jsme fér campaigns, as well as the Prague Pride parade,” observes Jana Vychroňová, HR Manager, Vodafone.

Special award “LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2018 Employee-driven Initiatives” for employee activities as part of groups supported by the employer.
The jury praised ExxonMobil BSC Czechia employees’ LGBTQ+-related activities. As part of the Pride Chapter group, employees – with the company’s support – organize presentations (e.g. LGBTQ+ families, marriage for all, prejudice, HIV/AIDS prevention), participate in LGBT-themed events and campaigns (IDAHOT, Prague Pride parade, Celebrating Love of All Kinds campaign). The jury especially appreciated that all employees, regardless of sexual orientation, are involved in the group and activities.

Special award “LGBTQ+ Employer 2018 Leadership Commitment” for top company management actively involved and supporting activities/projects that promote an LGBTQ+-friendly environment.
The jury praised Accenture for actively involving senior management and supporting activities/projects that promote an LGBTQ+-friendly environment, which is proactively supported by Roberto Libonati (CEO of the Czech branch of Accenture) and Alena Sochorová (Director of Telecommunications) who regularly participate in internal and external activities (such as the Pride Business Forum conference and Pride at Accenture internal group). Most members of the Czech Accenture management have joined ‘LGBTQ+ Allies’ (supporters) and also express support for LGBTQ+ inclusion by using rainbow stripes on their entry cards.
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2019
The LGBTQ+-Friendly Employer Awards recognize, motivate, and raise the profile of employers whose measures aim for the better inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees in the Czech Republic. Strategic approaches as well as specific projects and tools that support LGBT employees’ inclusion are evaluated, including the degree of support from company management and internal/external communication.

First place: Vodafone
The jury appreciated the company’s overall strategy, special emphasis on the needs of LGBTQ+ people in other diversity and HR activities, local implementation of the global strategy, as well as the active involvement of company management and employees. Vodafone can also serve as an example in benefits for LGBTQ+ people, as well as internal/external communications. The company is actively and financially involved in supporting non-profit projects for the benefit of gays and lesbians outside the company, such as the S barvou ven counselling centre. Vodaphone also supports activities outside Prague, such as educational lectures and promoting petitions for the Jsme fér campaign.

Second place: Accenture
The jury praised Accenture for taking a very proactive approach to reconciling benefits and conditions for LGBTQ+ colleagues. With the support of employees and management, the company has launched activities and projects to help create a LGBTQ+-friendly environment, which is proactively supported by the CEO of Accenture’s Czech subsidiary as well as other managers. The company supported the sharing of best-practice among employers as part of the Pride Business Forum, and employees can attend Pride at Accenture group events. Most members of Czech Accenture management are officially internally registered as ‘LGBTQ+ Allies’, and show support for LGBTQ+ inclusion with rainbow stripes on their entry cards.

Third place: ExxonMobil
The company proactively supports employees in a wide-range of situations. The jury also appreciated that – in addition to an employee group – “transgender guidelines” were also introduced last year, specifically designed for those undergoing gender realignment. The company supports all employees with equal benefits, and takes into account LGBTQ+ needs. The company’s top management and CEO are actively involved, while with the company’s support employees organize various activities such as the Fun & Run and Bake & Sale whereby charitable proceeds are donated to Domu světla. The company organizes internal campaigns for tolerance for all employees, and issues a newsletter for group members regardless of sexual orientation.
Special prizes

Employee-driven initiatives 2019: ExxonMobil
The jury praised the employees’ LGBTQ+-related activities. As part of the Pride Committee employee group, employees – with the company’s support – organize presentations (on issues such as LGBTQ+ families, marriage for all, prejudice), involvement in events, and LGBTQ+-themed campaigns. All employees – regardless of sexual orientation – are involved in the group and activities.

Most-improved 2019: innogy
innogy has long identified issues of diversity and inclusion, supporting all groups under its Diversity Charter. In 2018, the company set about highlighting LGBTQ+-themes by organising discussions for employees in Prague and Brno, launched the all innogy LGBTQ+ platform employee group, and offers employees opportunities to participate in activities (e.g. Fun & Run). A key step was also an evaluation and harmonisation of company benefits to reflect LGBTQ+ colleagues in the collective agreement. That innogy was one of the first production companies involved in LGBTQ+ rights was also taken into account by the jury when evaluating the company’s activities.
LGBTQ+ Workplace Equality Heroes 2019
This is awarded to individuals and management members of companies who actively promote equality for LGBTQ+ employees – both in their companies and proactively through other initiatives.
Of the ten shortlisted, five were awarded:

Martin Hausenblas
Position: co-founder and member of the supervisory board
Company: Adler International
As an open supporter of LGBTQ+ equality, Martin serves as an inspiration for other business people. As an ambassador of diversity and tolerance, his companies encourage involvement in pro-LGBTQ+ public initiatives: Liftago partnered the Prague Pride Festival and Adler partnered the Fun and Run Against Homophobia. Last year, he participated in a discussion at the Czech Republic’s EU Representation with Commissioner Věra Jourová regarding prerequisite cooperation between companies and the public sphere.

Roman Kocián
Position: owner and CEO
Company: Primeros
As a long-term supporter of LGBTQ+ equality, Roman’s company supports many non-profit LGBTQ+ community-focused initiatives – especially the Czech AIDS Society and Prague Pride. Roman has addressed the Pride Business Forum several times, and last year personally supported the Jsme fér campaign and led his team’s involvement. Roman is an example of a leader who fearlessly leverages the LGBT topic in his company’s marcom.

Christian Noll
Position: General Manager, GTS
Company: IBM Central and Eastern Europe
Christian personally initiated, coordinated, and delivered a letter to Prime Minister Babiš in which IBM and other companies supported a proposal to legislate marriage for gay and lesbian couples in the Czech Republic. He also held a press conference in cooperation with Jsme fér and Vodafone to jointly promote this important step in mainstream media. Christian has been actively promoting LGBTQ+ rights for years by participating in the Pride Business Forum and related activities. He also supports non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic as a volunteer.

Alena Sochorová
Position: Enterprise Commercial Lead
Company: Microsoft Czech Republic & Slovakia Central and Eastern Europe
Alena is an example of long-term commitment to diversity and LGBTQ+ equality at work. Already in her previous tenure at Accenture, as an ally and member of senior management, she worked to promote the issue and involve other managers. She has also brought this commitment to Microsoft, personally committing the company as part of the Pride Business Forum initiative as well as motivating other members of the company’s management. She is a familiar presence – accompanied by colleagues as well as her son – at the Prague Pride parade.

Edita Šilhánová
Position: Legal & Corporate Affairs Director CZ, SK, HU
Company: Pivovary Staropramen
Edita advocated that Staropramen support the Prague Pride festival, as one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to publicly do so. Flying in the face of numerous shocked and negative reactions from the public and traditional beer drinkers, this support not only continued but also inspired many other companies to sign up. As a regular participant at Pride Business Forum events, Edita’s involvement sets a sterling example among production companies in our country.
The award ceremony took place on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at the residence and in the presence of US Ambassador Stephen B. King.

LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer 2020 awards
LGBTQ+ Friendly Employer Award acknowledges, motivates and makes visible employers that introduce measures leading to better inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees in the Czech Republic. The award assesses the strategic approach to this area, specific projects and tools, as well as the way of supporting the topic by the top management and communicating it both internally and externally.

Champion: IBM
The jury praised IBM’s comprehensive approach to LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace, including setting internal rules against discrimination and homophobic / transphobic bullying, a proactive approach to recruiting and retaining LGBTQ+ talent, active work by internal employee resource group and strong support for LGBTQ+ people in Czech society. In particular, the jury praised the active role that IBM’s management played in the country’s debate on equal marriage in 2019.

Champion: Vodafone
Vodafone has won the award for the third time, which proves their long-term and deep commitment to LGBTQ+ equality in the Czech workplace. Vodafone is a true champion in this area and can serve as an example of best practices in the Czech market. Vodafone won for creating the perfect mix of all elements, resulting in a workplace that is inclusive and open to all. The jury especially appreciated the fact that Vodafone does not rest on its laurels, but is constantly trying to improve. In 2019, the company adopted new employee benefits for people in transition and extended parental benefits to all parents, including same-sex parents.

2nd Runner Up: Accenture
Accenture has long been at the forefront of this award and rightly so. The jury praised Accenture’s comprehensive approach to LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace. From setting internal regulations to working with employees, the jury highlighted the work with rainbow lanyards for opening up the work environment. The jury appreciated the internal employee resource group’s activities: Accenture traditionally excels in supporting management in this area and in active internal and external communication.

Employee-driven initiatives: ExxonMobil
This is third time that ExxonMobil has received an award in this subcategory, which proves that its LGBTQ+ internal employee resource group is one of the best in the Czech market. Its proactive approach to promoting LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace is unique, and is a shining example showing that voluntary activities by employees can influence the workplace culture and the behavior of the whole company. The jury was impressed by the Ally Engagement Project, which the group started in 2019 and which attracted the attention of many employees to the group’s activities.

Big Step Forward: ČSOB
ČSOB only recently began to address the topic of LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace, but from the very beginning it focused heavily on this area and has taken a huge step forward in such a short time. Its LGBTQ+ internal employee resource group was only established in 2019. ČSOB joined the Pride Business Forum and began to change its employee benefits to make them the same for LGBTQ+ employees. All this is possible only thanks to the unique cooperation between the LGBT lead, the HR department and the company’s management. Thanks to this synergy, ČSOB has now received the Big Step Forward 2020 award.
Pride Business Forum Heroes 2020 Awards
The Pride Business Forum Heroes is awarded to individuals and highlights the role of members of the top management of organizations/companies who actively fight for equal conditions for LGBTQ+ employees in their organizations/companies, or proactively strive for a better position of LGBTQ+ persons in society.

Anita Zubak, Executive Director Global IT Operations & Hub Lead, MSD Czech Republic
MSD Czech Republic launched the Czech Chapter of the Rainbow Alliance in September 2018, and Anita has been it‘s strongest and most visible supporter. Anita drove all discussions internally to march in the Pride Parade in 2019, despite the very conservative approach with MSD‘s external brand. In the end, with Anita’s support, over 30 colleagues and their family members marched in the parade, representing MSD and breaking the old perceptions in our region. In addition, MSD raised the rainbow flag on top of it‘s building and hosted internal LGBTQ+ events. Anita was part of all of that. Now with Anita’s full support, MSD have signed the Pride Business Forum Memorandum, making MSD CZ full members of the initiative. MSD has Anita’s energy, drive and support to thank for the incredible progress the company has made in such a short time.

Carl Clarke, Director People and Property, Vodafone Czech Republic
Carl is passionate about authentic leadership and inclusive workplaces and is actively involved in the Vodafone LGBTQ+ and Supporters Network. Carl has led a four-year global strategy to embed LGBTQ+ inclusion across Vodafone’s core operations. This included leading on targeted interventions (care, branding, policies, employee networks, supply chain, employee lifecycle, enterprise and customer engagement) and repositioning Vodafone as an externally recognized global employer for LGBTQ+ inclusion. Internationally, he has led on changing Vodafone’s global Code of Conduct and international mobility policies; coaching for senior leaders; training for allies and LGBTQ+ role models, and the formation of a creative two-year partnership with Google and GSK to develop LGBTQ+ senior leaders. He also spearheaded international research with OutNow on the experience of LGBTQ+ people when they start work and led Vodafone interventions to address research findings. Since arriving in the Czech Republic, Carl has coached and supported senior leaders outside of Vodafone to progress and ‘get going’ with LGBTQ+ inclusion. It has also included engaging with Vodafone’s supply chain partners to influence the eco-system that Vodafone operates in. More recently, Carl has sponsored the introduction of trans-inclusive benefits into Vodafone, providing financial support to employees that transition gender at work.

Denise Waddingham, Country Director of The British Council, Czech Republic
After joining us in the Autumn of 2017 as Country Director of the British Council, Czech Republic, Denise very quickly proved herself to be a very valuable ally and active promoter of the LGBTQ+ community. Although The British Council already has EDI principles instilled in their core values, we believe Denise goes above and beyond her role of Country Director in not only ensuring all staff are seen, heard, respected, and valued, but that important conversations are started, and that our values are shared with the community and promoted to other workplaces.

Hélene Goessaert, Member of the board, ČSOB group
ČSOB is the first Czech bank that signed PBF memorandum in 2019, based on Hélene ́s proposal. In the past, in the traditional czech environment, people did not understand why we even discuss LGBTQ+. Hélene was able to overcome that bias and open the topic in the company. She promotes it as natural fulfilment of the basic respect values, that is part of our ČSOB culture. She regularly discuss with ČSOB Proud, and intervenes when needed (e.g. misunderstood internal communication). People know they may approach her, which creates atmosphere of trust.

Michal Nebeský, CEO Citi Czech Republic
Michal Nebeský actively supports LGBTQ+ and has long been working to raise awareness about the LGBTQ+ community across the corporate world in the Czech Republic. During his time at Citibank, Michal supported the establishment of an internal resource LGBTQ+ group in the bank and an active dialogue between employees on this topic. Thanks to his support, Citi has become one of the main partners of peer-to-peer online mentoring site which offers mentoring for people coming out and also offers support groups for their parents. Thanks to Michal, Citibank publicly supported the bill on same-sex marriage and also became one of the signatories of the Pride Business Forum Memorandum on the Promotion of LGBTQ+ Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace in 2019.