Do you need advice on how to specifically care for LGBTQ+ talent in your company? We would be happy to tailor our services to meet your needs, including writing hands-on toolkits for HR, management, or client area staff.
Feel free to download our toolkit:
Change Driven by Employees (2024)
The toolkit is a comprehensive resource aimed at guiding organizations in the establishment, leadership, and advancement of LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). From grassroots efforts to negotiating with management and securing sponsorships, the toolkit provides a detailed roadmap for initiating and structuring ERGs, including the development of mission statements and strategies. Leadership within ERGs is discussed, covering roles, goal setting, and financial management, while various activities such as networking, awareness campaigns, educational initiatives, and community outreach are suggested to drive engagement and impact. Strategies for recruiting new members and fostering collaboration between ERGs are also provided, along with guidance on addressing common challenges. In sum, this toolkit serves as a valuable resource for organizations committed to promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion through employee-led initiatives.
Fostering transgender talent in the workplace (2023)
The Transgender Toolkit for Employers provides practical advice and recommendations to help create a workplace friendly to trans and non-binary employees. You will learn the key strategies of successful transition in the workplace, as well as tips for respectful communication with transgender employees and clients. We’ll also introduce you to a range of benefits that betting on diversity can bring not only to people in transition, but to all open-minded work teams.